
Since the 90´s, more and more people are having fewer children. That's because the income of the people is not enough to suport (spelling) a family with many kids. The better the education, the lower (wrong word) the family.
(connecting word needed) More and more women are in the workforce. The more they work, the less time they have to take care of their children. The result of this situation is that the birthrate is falling and life expectancy is growing. But who will take care of us when we become old?
Last week, we did a report in SBT showing that people are living longer and longer at their parents' houses. They are getting marriage (word form) later and later. (Don't begin a sentence with So; instead, use something like Therefore.) So, they catch (wrong word) more and more employment opportunities because they have only their careers to worry about and they have more and more money to spend and have a better life. 



Prime 4 - Unit 9




Meaning Synonyms Antonyms Usage